Maths at Robert Bakewell

A Mastery Approach

At Robert Bakewell, we use the White Rose approach to teaching Maths.

The sequences of teaching in small steps has been well produced by White Rose Maths to ensure our children receive a comprehensive maths curriculum. White Rose Maths gives permission to schools and teachers to use the small steps in their own teaching in their own schools and classrooms therefore we adapt and develop the resources to suit the needs of our children.

Rolling Curriculum

Due to our 1.5 entry, we use the split curriculum overviews for Year 2,3,4 and 5. We still use the individual year groups overviews in year 6 as well as Reception and Year 1 to ensure our children in Early years receive the foundations of early Maths.

What does Mastery look like at Robert Bakewell?

The only way to achieve mastery is to build upon a solid foundation of conceptual understanding and procedural fluency. To ensure a good level of understanding, it is necessary to move through the curriculum at a pace that is suitable for our children. We use the teaching blocks as a foundation for coverage but if the children determine a slowing down or a strong competency, then we adapt the teaching to the children’s needs.